Our DJI Mavic Pro 2 and The DJI Inspire 2 call Houston Texas their home but have traveled as far as California to fly. They are both fantastic drones but each serves it’s unique purpose. While the Inspire 2 is our high end commercial drone, not every client can afford or needs this quality of aerial footage. The Mavic Pro 2 is our go anywhere drone that is much more affordable but still produces a professional image.
For the Inspire 2 having he option of interchangeable lenses is a game changer. We currently stick to the 18mm for wide establishing shots and then switch over to the 50mm when we want to either compress our image against the background or zoom in on the action.
6k, 4k, 2.7k, ProRess, RAW, ProRess RAW, h.265…. So what does all that fancy jargon mean? These are different recording options that delivery a vastly different quality in image. We are talking a few GB of data to 100’s of GB of data difference. What does a larger file size mean? Well put simply it allows us to not have any part of the image be overexposed or underexposed giving us what is called good dynamic range. This is a big deal when filming in the early morning or evening. It will also give us better colors and a sharper image.
Poor Quality
Notice the over exposure and how you can not make out the leaves on the trees. This is image is even lesser quality than our Mavic Pro 2 produces and it was filmed poorly. This is what we typically encounter when clients try to do drone work themselves before hiring us.
This photo of the Houston Galleria was taken with our Inspire 2 drone with the X7 camera. As you can tell our client needed a shot at dusk which is very difficult to get with any other drone. This is one of those situations where the clients only option was to use the Inspire 2 and they only had a week to get the shot. Luckily they found us and we were able to meet their deadline.