Quasar Science LED Tube Lights

Most of the time I work on documentary narrative type films for non profits in Houston Texas. These usually take place in a run and gun setting which demands a quick set up and tear down where lighting can be the hardest part. I typically try to use as much natural light as possible in my videos but most of the time its just not enough to get the look we are going for. I recently purchased two Quasar Science 4’ bi-color LED tubes and they have been perfect. They have a color temperature range from 2,000-6,000 and are dimmable with a cheap dimmer off of Amazon for $15. They are a large light source which means they can be very soft. With two of them you get a powerful light source.

I recently used them in Austin Texas for a shoot with Hill Country Christian School for New Story Media. We had a week to film eight mini stories so the schedule was tight but these lights allowed us to film a room with a good amount of ambient light without having to setup a bounce to make it softer.

I used them for Elijah Rising a non profit in Houston for their new non profit origins story film. We used them as practices reflecting in windows and as the main light source for a lot of the scenes. Our key light other than the quasars was the Aputure 300D.