All of us on the VWP team would like to thank you again for agreeing to be a part of this video production. Our hope is that through your story someone's life will be impacted for the better. Here is an example of one of our videos. Later in this blog we will show what a setup for a production like this would look like.
This One Goal Video was a three day production at four different locations.
What to Expect on the Production Day
The crew only consist of one to three people and filming can take anywhere from 5 to 10 hours with lots of breaks for you between filming. If a location scout has not been done prior to us arriving the first thing we do is scout a location to film the interview which takes roughly 10-15 minutes.
We then set up for the interview which takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the location. The interview usually runs for about an hour and then we take down the interview set up. Taking down the interview set up takes around 30 minutes.
Example Schedule for a 10 hour production day.
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Arrive and set up equipment. (capture sunrise drone shot and exterior b-roll)
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Film 1st interview.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Film 2nd interview.
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Film 3rd interview.
11:00 AM - 11:30 PM: Film 4th interview.
11:30 PM - 12:00 PM: Consolidate gear and prepare to film B-roll.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch Break off site.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Film b-roll for 1st & 2nd interviewees.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Film b-roll for 3rd and 4th interviewees.
3:00 PM- 4:00 PM: Film general b-roll of staff and building.
4:00 PM- 5:00 PM: Tear down gear and load out.
5:30: Wrap
Sound is key
We ask that the business or house be as quiet as possible during the filming of the interview. This would mean that loud machinery, talking, pets or children would need to be not present or quiet during the filming. Other things to consider would be loud construction near by or lawn services mowing your lawn on the day of production. After the interview we will not be capturing anymore sound so noise will not be an issue.

After the interview we then film b-roll for the rest of the day which is the non interview footage that is overlaid throughout the film. Most of the b-roll is typically filmed at the interview location but sometimes it requires driving to a different location. In the slideshow above you can see examples of b-roll.
What to Wear
DO NOT WEAR clothing with small patterns like checkered or striped shirts (See the photo below). As a general rule, solid and rich colors look best on video and film. Try to avoid wearing bright white clothing which can dominate the screen. Try and choose colors that compliment your skin tone and wear colors that make you feel comfortable and confident. Unless you are trying to promote another brand, avoid wearing clothing that has a logo written all over it. Your brand matters so consider wearing something that brings out your personality.
Moire Effect with digital cameras
Preparing for Your Interview
Review your talking points thoroughly so there are no surprises on the production day. However, you should not try to memorize lines. We want the interviews to come across as conversational and as natural as possible. You are the expert and know your content which is why we are interviewing you, so don’t stress about it!
Relax and be yourself! Everything you say will be edited and refined so there is no pressure to be perfect. You can mess up as much as you need to, pause during a line, go back and repeat the lines. We have two cameras and b-roll that allow us to cover up any mistakes.
Remember that we will not see or hear the interviewer in the final video. Please repeat any questions we ask in your answer to give context for the audience. So if we ask "What is your name?" you would respond with "My name is..."